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Junior Masters Division Results
Team - Won - Lost - %Won

The Ventures: 115 - 74 - 60.8%
The Jokers: 103 - 86 - 54.5%
The Imperials: 102 - 87 - 54.0%

High Average:
Boys - Ricardo Gomaz: 166.49
Girls - Lisa Christiano: 144.49

High Game:
Boys - Matthew Peduto: 246
Girls - Melissa Kammerer: 204

High Series:
Boys - Jonathan Wilson: 654
Girls - Brittany Agenta: 549


Team - Won - Lost - %Won

The Twisters: 138 - 51 - 73.0%
The Bombers: 136 - 53 - 72.0%
The Thunderbolts: 113 - 76 - 59.8%

High Average:

Boys: Anthony Ferrara - 125.59
Girls: Marie Beyers - 94.05

High Game:

Boys: Christopher Antico - 186
Girls: Jordan Olave - 151

High Series:

Boys: Anthony Ferrara - 486
Girls: Marie Beyers - 346

Penro Staff
Penny Clinton -
Co Founder

Ro -
Co Founder

Joann Savini -
League Fees and Attendance

Alex Pagliuca -
Classic Division Coach

Michele Savini -
Junior Division Coach

Robert Tierney -
Junior Division Coach

Anthony Pellegrino -
Junior Division Coach

Maria Heath -
Prep Division Coach

Tony Cioffoletti -
Prep Division Coach


Copyrighted with rights for Vinny LaBella 2000-2001