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These are some Staten Island Advance Articles for the 2000-2001 Junior Bowling Season

Wilkinson rolls 803
Advance All Star, 16, becomes youngest to break 800 mark


NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- By now, no bowling feat turned in by a Wilkinson should come as a surprise.

Yesterday, however, Thomas Wilkinson, the 16-year-old son of Country Lanes' proprietor Rab Wilkinson, did what would be Wilkinsonenough to make anybody's eyes widen.

The righty is believed to be the youngest kegler on the Island to toss an 800 series. He fired a sparkling 803 set during the Junior Scholarship League at Carolier Lanes, with games of 278, 277 and 248.

"I didn't think I was going to do it because when I bowl good my first game, I usually get too excited," said Wilkinson, who earned Advance All-Star honors in bowling last season at New Dorp High School. "But I did pretty good. I stayed consistent."

Wilkinson, whose previous high was a 730 series last year, matched his father for career 800s in their Richmond household. Rab shot 813 in 1990.

"I would have beaten him if I didn't get rapped," said Wilkinson, who fired his first career 300 last summer. "I left a lot of 10 pins."

The younger Wilkinson needed to strike out, beginning in the seventh frame of the last game to achieve the feat.

"I had to strike out and throw a seven on my last ball to do it," he explained.

Wilkinson, who was averaging 200 in the loop before yesterday's explosion, used a Cuda 2000 bowling ball to perform his feat.

So what will Wilkinson do for an encore next week?

"I don't know. I'll just try to do my best and bowl my average," he said. "I'm just trying to stay consistent. I'm averaging 204 in the PenRo League and 202 in the Adult-Child League (both at Rab's Country Lanes)."

Petrides' Matt Pero rolls 300 in PSAL play
Becomes first Island schoolboy to accomplish the feat

Petrides' Matt Pero did something yesterdy no other male PSAL Staten Island kegler had done before -- roll a perfect game.
The Panther sophmore executed his game -- his first 300 -- at the Bowling on the Green as the Sunnyside school rode the euphoria to a resounding 799-715 A game victory, but eventually lost the match 2-1 to New Dorp.
"It was nerve-wracking, I was very nervous," admitted Pero, who got emotional support from his brother Mike.
"He told me to stay calm and focused."
Of course that was easier said then done.
By the time the right-hander entered the 10th frame, all the other (bowling) schools as well as New Dorp had stopped bowling to witness a bit of history.
"I was in a zone, all my throws were in the box," offered Pero, whose previous high of 246 was rolled just recently.
"Everybody was so great. After throwing the last strike, everyone rushed the lanes. My mom (Joanne) was crying; it was a wonderful feeling."
"It was totally awesome." said Petrides coach Kim Geraghty, who had never seen a perfect game before. "I couldn't bear to watch the 10th frame.
"But when it was over, all the members of the other teams came over to congratulate him."

High Roller
Pete LaBella Sr., who's been a bowler for so many years, tells us he and Bowling on the Green pro Vinny D'Ambrosio III have been helping 13-year-old Stephen Ennis Jr., who's only been in the sport for three years, with his game.
And the work seem to have paid off. Stephen(bowling with his namesake dad) fired his career-high series the other day in the Adult/Child League at Rab's Country Lanes, tossing games of 199,229 and 222 for a 650 series.
The St. Ann's seventh grader sports a 173 in the leagues while holding a 188 in his school league.
Could we have another Mark Roth on our hands? Only time will tell.
Marks, 18, shoots 300 at Country Lanes
July 14, 2001

Eightneen-year-old Phillip Marks rolled his first career 300 in the Youth Leaders Summer League yesterday at Rab's Country Lanes.

"I was a little nervous," said the New Springville resident. "I never thought I was going to have a felling like that. "It was very exciting. I had a nice crowd cheering me on."

Marks, who credited his coaches Peter LaBella Sr. and Vinny D'Ambrosio III for his success, finished with a 694.